The rapid evolution of memes, including their notable influence on human cultural evolution, their growing autonomy — which seems somewhat strange — and their ability to control us and shift our patterns of thought, all combine to fascinate meme fans. The collection of all memes ever created establishes a record of human culture that consists not only of the memes, but also their connections, development, and influence. This is referred to as the Memeverse.
Memes lead us toward generalities. Think about it. Language can be viewed as an early obtained, highly successful, highly influential, and intricately developed meme. Truly, language is made up of little more than generalizations — horse, tree, run, deduce — all of these words denote “things” of a general nature. Yet, reality is always of extreme particularity, therefore such “generalizations” do not exist in the reality of our daily lives. They do, however, exist in our experience through the creation and use of memes — the Memesphere of current activity.
Though not “real” in the usual sense, memes are fascinating to us. To a great extent, memes are us. The ways we view ourselves and our world is, essentially, what comprises memes. This is what makes participating in the Memesphere, and inhabiting the Memeverse, so deeply appealing.